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Newcomers He Danced Ivy Release Sinister & Exciting Debut Single

He danced ivy

Brisbane-via-Coffs Harbour newcomers He Danced Ivy have burst onto the scene with their sinister debut single Mechanesque! The four piece have joined together to create a track that explodes with energy and prog-punk influences.

Founded in March 2014, the band have spent the past 18 months refining their sound, and the catchiness of Mechanesque is proof they’ve done it well! The debut single is a powerful track, featuring call and response vocals, rhythm guitar layered with delay, and a tapping technique which creates an eerie percussive rhythm.

The song is about relationships turned sour, says vocalist and guitarist Dave Cheney. “The overall theme of the song is about how routine apathy, superficiality, and power imbalance in relationships can just eat you away from the inside. It’s a big theme in a lot of our music,” he says.

Catch He Danced Ivy at Banana Field Festival this October, supporting the likes of Illy, British India, LDRU, and Art vs Science. Plus, keep an eye out for their debut album ‘The Verbal Kind’ set to be released later on this year!

He Danced Ivy Live Dates

Banana Field Festival, Coffs Harbour

Get Tickets HERE