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Porter Robinson Reveals New Single, ‘Russian Roulette’

Grammy-nominated artist Porter Robinson has just dropped Russian Roulette, the third single from his upcoming album, SMILE! :D. Set to be released on July 26, this track takes a different turn from the album’s earlier singles, showcasing a raw and heartfelt side of Porter.

Clocking in at six and a half minutes, Russian Roulette stands out with its intense and honest lyrics, paired with a fast-paced beat that keeps you hooked until the very end. Porter opens up about the emotional rollercoaster he rides, balancing fantasies of disappearing from the limelight with the real-life responsibilities he can’t escape. This blend of darkness and light makes the song a powerful and relatable listen.

“I’m always toying with and entertaining the idea of oblivion, of career suicide, of disappearing. In ‘Russian Roulette’, I’m trying to reconcile those fantasies against the real responsibilities that hang over me. And then it gets dark, and light all at the same time.” – Porter Robinson.

The new single follows the success of Cheerleader, which has racked up over 13 million streams globally and received praise from top music and Knock Yourself Out XD, which was equally well-received.

Fans can look forward to SMILE! 😀 in various physical formats, including a Deluxe Box Set with a double LP in opaque pink vinyl, exclusive extras, and limited editions available at Urban Outfitters and Amazon. With Russian Roulette, Porter Robinson continues to prove why he’s a standout artist in the music scene.

Written by Chris Lamaro