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prchr. Unleashes With His Double Single, ‘Ghost/Chicago’

Slamming down with an onslaught of unapologetic rock, prchr. (pronounced percher) has set the world alight today with his explosive dual single GHOST / CHICAGO. Following the release of his debut EP ONLY CHILD in early 2023, prchr.’s remarkable journey has led him to grace the stage alongside esteemed acts such as The Smith Street Band and Press Club during their recent tour, cementing his position as a rising force in the music scene.

GHOST and CHICAGO transcend mere music and emerge as anthems of liberation, delving into the depths of disappointment in loved ones, the haunting spectre of isolation, and the introspective quest for self-discovery. As the walls of fuzz reverberate and the infectious hooks take hold, prchr. crafts a mesmerizing soundscape that transports listeners to a realm of raw emotion and cathartic release. Prepare to be captivated as you lose yourself in the enthralling melodies and the mesmerizing storytelling that prchr. effortlessly weaves.

In perfect synchrony with the unveiling of ‘GHOST / CHICAGO’, prchr. unveils a visually captivating music video that transports viewers into a world of gritty allure. Set against the backdrop of a raw warehouse carpark, the video captures prchr. in a state of torment, weaving a mesmerizing narrative. As the lyrics unfold, they are projected onto the surroundings, creating a hypnotic lighting effect that envelops the viewers, immersing them completely.

With an unwavering determination, prchr. unleashes a relentless fusion of alternative, garage, and hard rock, heralding a new era that strikes a profound chord with passionate, rock-loving youth. Brace yourself for an exhilarating ride as prchr. ignites the stage, ignites the crowd, and ignites a fiery revolution in the hearts of like-minded rock enthusiasts everywhere.


Written by Chris Lamaro