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Premiere: Circle Unveils The Dreamy New Single, ‘Helen’

Sydney indie folk artist, Circle is set to release his brand new single, Helen this week and today we’re over the moon to share with you the very first spin of the chilled out jam.

Helen is a gentle tune that is as warm and fuzzy as a sunny Sunday afternoon. Soft acoustic guitar work and lo-fi style hi pass vocals make this one more of a dream than a song in your favourite playlist. Helen is taken from Circle’s forthcoming album, Coco and Charlie due out very soon.

“Coco and Charlie started as a collection of love songs about the people in my life who’ve made an indelible mark in one way or another. As the material progressed over the course of demos and a natural whittling down process, the songs started to be more like archetypes. With that development came a deeper freedom to expand on the lyrical content and not be too constrained to a corporeal truth about an individual.” – Circle

As you listen to this one, you can feel a real authentic vibe to it and that’s no coincidence as Circle’s writing and recording process is unique and experimental.

“We decided that we’d push classic four track demos to the absolute limit and record everything to our old Tascam tape machine. The process of a great condenser mic going through a world class preamp only to all end up on a $200 tape machine (with a ridiculously worn out tape inside) had a huge allure.”  – Circle 

Circle’s dreamy new single, Helen is available tomorrow, everywhere however you can listen exclusively right here today!

Written by Chris Lamaro