PREMIERE: Greeves “Moving Up” Is Psychedelic Time Travel
Melbourne quintet Greeves have emerged from the climax of their debut album ‘Bullet Child’ with their smooth, reggae-infused rock track Moving Up. It’ll have you cruising with so much swagger that even Jagger will be jealous.
Moving Up should have been played at Woodstock. It bleeds the LSD induced energy of the late 1960’s, featuring dreamy verses that force you to ask the big questions in life.
A reggae rhythm and a catchy riff welcome you to the track. This serves as the launching pad for the suave five-part harmonies that chime painfully relatable phrases like “sometimes you’re moving up, but you’re feeling down”.
As you strut out of the verse there’s a galloping eruption of a gritty, psychedelic guitar solo waiting for you. Propelled by a thrashing beat, the escalating melody reaches new heights, sending you into a time warp.
Following their path of success in 2015, this progressive rock band has single handedly revived the sound of the 1970s. With Pink Floyd and Neil Young in mind, they have produced a sonic throwback with a contemporary message.
You can catch the boys at The Catfish in Melbourne next Friday. It’s the final show of their national tour so it’s bound to be a good one! Find details HERE