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PREMIERE: Groeni Drop Live Music Video full of Synthy Goodness for “Hedre”

Groeni Hedre Hero
Plenty of great things have come out of New Zealand. Lorde, Hobbits, and Xena the Warrior Princess are just some of our friendly neighbour’s best exports. It’s safe to say that electronic outfit Groeni can easily slot in amongst those. After their 2015 release ‘Hewn’, Groeni are back at it with a shiny new EP ‘Hinde’.

To celebrate, they’ve put together a whirlwind of a video. It’s a live performance of track Hedre and if you like good things in large doses, then you’re in luck. Hedre is nine minutes of danceable synthy goodness. A New Zealand Mogwai with trippy visuals to boot sounds like the perfect mix if you ask us…

Hedre, which means ‘honour’ in Norwegian, presents a delightfully swirling landscape of noise. With the soft siren call vocals and careful layering of each sound, Hedre feels like an underwater dive into a person’s dreamscape. It’s super surreal and very inviting.

As singer Alexander Green puts it, “With previous Groeni music it has always been ‘this thing that makes me sad or angry’, but this time it’s from more of an outside perspective on feelings”.

The length is worth it, especially at the seven-minute mark where it kicks into some upbeat trancy dancy loveliness. The whole track is creamy, delicious and full of chunks of brilliance, like a fancy pot of yogurt.

Check out the live music video and Groeni’s upcoming live dates below!

Groeni Live Dates

Wondercore Island Birthday Party, Gasometer, Melbourne
Good Manners, Boney, Melbourne
Oxford Circus, Sydney

Get Tickets HERE