PREMIERE: Kid Fiction’s Raw Emotionalism Peaks On ‘What Defines You’
What builds as a Moses Sumney track and bleeds out like a present-era Radiohead song, Kid Fiction has crafted a delicate think piece of soul-electronica that stands so very tall. AAA Backstage is pleased to offer the exclusive premiere before its release.
Kid Fiction distinguishes himself as a slow-motion songwriter. His sparse production is backed by a gazing and austere electronic performance that’s paired with his harmonic voice. His emotionalism and rapturous crooning connect him with a romanticism that’s so real. It’s both tense and arrhythmic—managing a façade of bold atmospherics that crawls underneath the skin.
The bubbling, thick electronica that bellows underneath Kid Fiction’s smart lyrics is intoxicating, to say the very least. His warped approximation of IDM and arpeggiation is smart, calculated and sticks so well to his smooth voice. It’s layered and omnipresent—the gooey, acidic textures of the synth is a direct counterpoint to his loose vocals.
For an artist with only one EP under his belt, he deserves every bit of hype. His self-titled, debut release was met with worldwide acclaim. Of the track, Kid Fiction explained:
“What Defines You was like wrestling a gorilla. It’s really big, the themes, the concept and production… it was actually quite intimidating. No place for half measures,” described Kid Fiction.
Kid Fiction is currently on tour throughout Europe and the UK for a run of dates and festival appearances, including the London Music Conference. He’ll be back home before the end of the year, however, to play three shows. Needless to say, he’s in high demand right now. Stream What Defines You below.