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Premiere: Kim Yang Unveils The Accompanying Video For Her Single, ‘Fantasy’

Canberra based indie-folk artist, Kim Yang will this week unveil the video for her dreamy single, Fantasy. Today we’re over the moon to share with the very first viewing of the enchanting piece.

The video for Fantasy is a perfect way to compliment an already complete tune. With it’s washy nostalgic visual vibes, it sees Yang in her element, with dream scape scenery and some interpretive style dance from Yang.

“This song is about longing for my parent’s love. In 2012 I left my parents and my home in Taiwan and moved to Australia. My family is quite traditional, so we rarely showed our love in a physical or a verbal way when I was growing up. This was amplified by our long-distance relationship, and again by COVID.

In the song, I sing ‘So I start to dance to keep your gaze on me, I never want to let go of you’. This line acknowledges that although my music career may seem to be flourishing, my accomplishments feel a bit empty without the admiration from my family.

Directed by myself and Sean O’Gorman, the Fantasy music video highlights the blurred line between my reality and my fantasy. My dance is an attempt to capture the attention of my distant parents, to keep their gaze on me so I could feel their love and admiration.” – Kim Yang

Fantasy the movie is a perfect accompaniment to a near flawless tune. It’s available for general public viewing tomorrow but you can watch it right here exclusively, today!

Written by Chris Lamaro