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PREMIERE: Mary Handsome Recorded “No Hot No More” Video Over Your Old VCR Faves


Mary Handsome small

Hook up the dusty VCR and rewind and eject the copy of ‘Lion King’ thats been sitting in there for 20 years ’cause Brisbane pop-rockers (and self-proclaimed “Riff Lords”) Mary Handsome have dropped the music video for their single No Hot No More

The video is a celebration of the 90’s favourite home video format with all the familiar perks and pitfalls of magnetic tape, like degrading picture quality, flickering frames, and ghosting. Simple in content, the video features the band playing the track in a garden, half lodged in a hedge.

For most of the clip the simple aesthetic continues, with small changes to positioning and costume for the band. However, towards the end some cool visuals are cut together, including a ‘Scary Movie’-esque spinning shot.

The catchy song features a jangly guitar track that has been tightly coordinated with the meandering bass line, giving the song a distinctive smooth rhythm in verses. These explode into a bright and hollowed-out sound through the chorus that gives room for frontman Reid Cooper’s “see you when you get back” to soar.

For most of the song the mixing gives the impression the music is leaking in from another room to where Cooper is singing, however this gives the track a certain eerily bright tone that’s super fun to sing along to.

No Hot No More is Mary Handsome’s first single since their self-titled debut EP was released late last year. 2016 has seen the band step up their live effort, having just been announced to play at the The Yirrkala Yarrapay (Morning Star) Music and Dance Festival in the Northern Territory alongside The Medics, as well as having a couple of upcoming shows in South-East Queensland.

Mary Handsome Live Dates

Villa Noosa Hotel, Sunshine Coast
The Yirrkala Yarrapay (Morning Star) Music and Dance Festival 2016, NT
The Brightside, Brisbane

Get Tickets HERE

Written by Max Higgins