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PREMIERE: Preloved Things’ ‘Entertaining The Thought (Of Leaving You) Is A Look Love, Betrayal & Redemption

Claustrophobic and expansive in equal measure, Preloved Things’ mélange of moody melodies and trembling shocks is entirely absorbing. Hailing from Brisbane, the four-piece make impulsive music. In a disparate calamity, the group have constructed their first video clip for the track Entertaining The Thought (Of Leaving You). AAA Backstage has the exclusive premiere.

In light of band’s rise to fame such as the polarising Divide and Dissolve and Party Dozen, Preloved Things have snuggled themselves into a fine little niche. Dreary and atmospheric blues with a hint of post-rock, Preloved Things take the words ‘minimalism’ and ‘maximalism’, crushes them together and redefines them both. The groups strip down the bombast of their aforementioned contemporaries and, instead, hone the raw essence and power.

Contrary to the bone-crushing noise most post-rock groups offer, Preloved Things focus on the multi-layered thickets of atmosphere. They produce a beautiful kind of chaos—tense and, closer to the track’s climax, suffocating. Their oscillations are brain-scrambling and the pairing of raucous drumming and intelligent guitar work makes for a destabilising and enthralling mood.

The complementary video is also the group’s first foray into the visual. It features two actors who’s pedigree includes Thor: Ragnarok and Pirates of the Caribbean 5. Simply put, it’s a saucy and passionate look into love, betrayal and redemption placed in slow-motion. According to the band:

The goal of the video was to present these familiar concepts in new and interesting ways. Food colouring; milk; ferrofluids; magnets; glow sticks; lighter fluid and baking soda may sound like ingredients in out of The Anarchist’s Cookbook but were necessary,” states Preloved Things.

Entertaining The Thought (Of Leaving You) is the first teaser to a debut EP due for release this year titled ‘Kitchen Sink Drama’. Stream the exclusive premiere of Entertaining The Thought (Of Leaving You) below.

Written by Jake Wilton