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Premiere: Twins Sport Unveil Debut Album ‘Acquiescence’

Melbourne band Twins Sport is set to release their highly anticipated debut album, Acquiescence, following a series of singles teased over the last two years. This collection of eight tracks blends a wide range of alternative sounds, promising to make a significant mark in their scene.

Led by musician Josh Dawes, Twins Sport emerged in 2020 during the challenging times of the pandemic. Dawes, previously a member of band Flyying Colours, used the lockdown period to create and develop the project. What started as a solo journey evolved into a collaborative effort with friends and fellow musicians, notably Gemma O’Connor and producer Michael Badger. O’Connor’s contributions, from vocals to songwriting, played a crucial role in shaping the album’s sound.

“The collection of songs takes snap shots from breakdowns in relationships, watching the news of open burials in NYC, having time to reminisce on youth, family and project my story so far.” – Josh Dawes, Twins Sport.

Acquiescence captures a range of emotions and experiences, from personal relationships to reflections on youth and family. The album features lush shoegaze atmospheres, gritty 80s and 90s alternative rock elements, and the approachable charm of dream pop.

Recorded at Jala Records and mastered by Leon Zervos at 301 Studios, Acquiescence stands out for its well-crafted and emotionally resonant tunes, it’s available tomorrow but you can listen right here exclusively, today.