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Pump Up For World’s First Inflatable Nightclub!


Do you love it when you head into the club just as it starts blowing up? Well a group of Swiss architects would actually like you to wait until it’s finished, if you wouldn’t mind.

The studio named Bureau A designed the world’s first inflatable nightclub to satisfy the needs of the party-hard crew at the Federation of Swiss Architects’ annual party, because those loose gooses are too much for those ol’ skool brick and mortar type clubs.

This thing looks like a f*cked up toothpaste tube built for revelry, and it comes packed with dancefloor, bars, and furniture ready for you to unfurl and jump into wherever and whenever you need to should you need to bring da clurb with you.

This thing is pretty massive, and it’s entirely made of PVC material that can be easily deflated and moved, but for it’s debut, it was put up in a cultural centre in Geneva. The design bureau has previously put together plans for mini-skyscrapers and marble urinals, for when you have to pee in a palace.

The designers described the venue in an interview with architecture magazine Dezeen, saying “for one night, the black hole of a neat and well-organised society is revealed as a potential for distortion, a potential of let-go and provoke, with a slight smile, the unsaid and the sweat.”

So if you’ve ever looked at one of those inflatable flailing tube men and thought “Geez, it would be cool to party in that thing”, you’re in luck thanks to those sweet Swiss architects! We doubt you’ll be able to wear any particularly stiletto-esque heels, or get in with spikes on your clothes (looking at you, metalheads). Here’s hoping this place is awesome, and it isn’t a let down…


Written by Max Higgins