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Q & A: On Dead Waves

On Dead Waves Blackbird

Craving something a little darker in to add to your music library? Well UK duo On Dead Waves are sure to satisfy with their alluring debut single Blackbird. We asked the mysterious new band some questions to better understand their brooding sound.

Your music has been described as “doom-folk”, do you agree with this or are some misinterpreting your sound?

That is a fairly accurate description for Blackbird but the album is actually pretty dreamy and psychedelic in places. So not a total doom-fest.

Blackbird is On Dead Waves’ first ever single, what was the feeling like when it was first played back in the UK?

It felt really good and also a bit strange. When we first started to write this album we weren’t thinking too much about it being released. We were just hanging out and writing, making music for fun. No pressure, just pleasure. So to hear it on the radio is crazy but cool.

When I first listened to Blackbird I immediately thought of Lana Del Ray’s High By The Beach mixed with The XX, who are the main musical influences behind On Dead Waves?

Well we watched a lot of the horror channel whilst making this album! We both enjoy similar artists and photography like Edward Hopper and Gregory Crewdson. Music-wise I guess we both shared a love of Leonard Cohen, Mazzy Star and Low.

The Blackbird music video was directed by the award-winning Lukasz Pytlik, how did that come about?

Tinder….Ha no! We just loved Lukasz’s video style and he loved Blackbird and wanted to work with us, so we made a good team. It’s always a big decision finding the right person to make the visual representation of a piece of music that we are both so close to, but we knew he was right. His eye for colour and space is amazing and we loved that he allowed us to be very hands on in the edit. It was a good partnership and we are looking forward to working with him again.

We’ve been told all touring plans are being kept tightly under wraps, why are you two being so secretive? Is there something sinister we should know about On Dead Waves?

Yes we are very sinister, and we will be playing a sinister set, in sinister venues, and looking very very very sinister.

It’s rumoured you’ll be releasing your debut album in Australia around Autumn next year, can we expect more “doom-folk” or will there be a few wildcards? 

There are some wildcards…there is actually a lot of positivity on this record, if you really listen to the lyrics. Even Blackbird has a positive message.

You social media is full of inspirational shots of the ocean and nature, how in-touch would you say On Dead Waves are with the natural environment?

We both love escaping reality. Driving and exploring and feeling small in big spaces makes us feel good and inspires us. We have tried to capture some of these moments and share them on our page.

Finally, voting closes soon for Triple J’s Hottest 100, what are On Dead Waves’ favourite songs of 2015?

Blood by Equador is a great track, and anything off Deerhunter’s and Jim O’Rouke’s albums.