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Q & A: Young Dingoes

Young Dingoes

Bundaberg rockers Young Dingoes are back in action with a killer indie banger I Don’t Want To Be Around Here. We asked the four ragamuffins some very personal questions to get to know the band and their music a little better.

If you could collaborate with any living or passed musician, who would it be and what song would you play?

Ash: Cliff Burton, Anasthesia.

Jarred: jimi Hendrix, Little Wing.

Brad: John Frusicante, Sir Psycho Sexy.

Jordy: Does It Offend You Yeah?, Lets Make Out.

What is your go-to dance move?

Jordy: The jellyfish, because it requires zero effort whilst looking very cool and trendy.

What’s something you did as a child that wish you could still do as an adult?

Jarred: Running, because I’m super unfit.

Chewbacca, C-3PO, or R2-D2?                          

Jordy: Chewbacca for sure, he’s a strong and loyal creature who can grow excellent facial hair all over.

You have to name and design cocktail, what is it called and what must it have in it?

Ash: I’d call it the Wide Bay Warrior, VB, Bundaberg Rum & Lime. Because why not?

If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you’d do?

Jordy: I’d buy an ice coffee and cry, because ice coffee is amazing and you would cry because your so excited.

What’s the moment you’ve felt most nervous?

Before our first gig at a small pub in Bundaberg, because it was our first show as a band.

For the uninitiated, how do you describe Young Dingoes’ sound and live show?

Brad: A mix of psychedelic, rock, and dance music would best describe our music. Our live shows are upbeat, energetic, loud, and fun!

We’re loving your new single I Don’t Want To Be Around Here, what’s the story or inspiration behind the song?

Jordy: One night I was walking home after a night out, a figure behind me yelled out “nice shoes!”. Naturally he started chasing me and I managed to shake him. I couldn’t stop thinking of what would’ve happened if he caught up. He might’ve just complimented me on my shoes again but more than likely he would’ve beat me up…

Lastly, what are three things people should know about your band?

We’re all born and bred in Mangrove River, enjoy surfing, and like to keep order in summer bay.