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Sasha March Lays Out All The Emotions on The Video For Her New Single, ‘Can I Call’

Indie pop darling, Sasha March is all set to reveal her brand new single, Can I Call this Friday 25th Feb and we’re over the moon to be giving you a sneak peak of the video for the track ahead of its official unveiling right here today.

Can I Call sees March perform at her best, her bright and emotional vocal delivery atop a smooth flow of melodies and beats make this track truly shine. Lyrically the tune is an introspective look at the line we draw between comfort and destruction due to the powerful pull from others. The track oozes with feels and Sasha pours it all out in just under four minutes.

“Can I Call could be a dark place or a kind of comfort depending where you’re at. It could be a love song, or a place where you fight yourself as the super hero and the villain. But there’s always hope that there’ll be someone or something to sober you and ground you again before the next round.” Sasha March

The track’s accompanying video is a perfect visualisation, capturing the emotion from audio and presenting pulsating it into a display of perfect compliment.

Sasha March’s new single, Can I Call is available tomorrow, 25th Feb but you can view the video right here exclusively, today.

Written by John Zebra