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Snark Take Us Take Us Behind The Scenes Of The Video For Their Single, ‘Pressure’

Melbourne trio Snark recently unveiled their brand new single, Pressure. It’s just over three minutes of alt ballad style glory. They also released the accompanying video for the track and today we’ve got an exclusive behind the scenes look at what went down during the shoot.

“Pressure is a high energy song about feeling overwhelmed, suffocated and in over your head. We really wanted the video for this song to feel claustrophobic and energetic in equal measure, something that we think we managed to achieve! As soon as Aidan Rice put together and presented the concept for this video, we absolutely fell in love with it. We arrived on set to a grungy, smoke filled lounge room set complete with an all-white, custom made metre-by-metre box for the TV scenes and vibes were high – especially once everyone on set had smashed down the first of many coffees to come!

We shot the lounge room performance scenes first, which felt pretty natural as we had the song pumping and really fed off each other’s energy. After a quick outfit change (including the cheeky application of some emo-inspired make up), things really got interesting as each member had to shoot their individual performance inside the 1 x 1 metre box for the TV sequences. Despite some hurdles such as a suspected concussion (not really, but several heads were bumped pretty hard in the making of this video) and some vicious leg cramps, we emerged from this 11 hour day with a music video we’re incredibly proud of! We’re super grateful to Aidan Rice for all his hard work, Park Avenue Media and Act IV Photography for their behind the scenes content and we really hope you enjoy this video as much as we enjoyed making it.” – Snark


Confronting moments watching playback of ourselves pulling embarrassing faces and tripping over cables during a performance section of the video. Pat’s face says it all!

Credit: Park Avenue Media


Aidan Rice utilizing his powers of persuasion and impeccable camera angles to convince Stefan to make eyes at the camera.

Credit: Park Avenue Media


Stefan had ruined a few takes by making awkward eye contact with the camera in this section, so had wisely decided to look to the sky dramatically this time around. 

Credit: Park Avenue Media 


Don’t let the black clothes and sad boi makeup fool you – we had a riot on set shooting this video!

Credit: Act IV Photography 


Each member of the band shot an individual performance in this box that Aidan had constructed. Secret band handshakes between takes were essential to keep the energy up.

Credit: Pat Lester


It was a dangerous day to be a coffee! The whole video was shot in one 11 hour day so many a coffee was consumed by band and crew alike. 

Credit: Pat Lester


The holy trinity of Aidan’s dramatic close ups, Pat’s bass slapping prowess and a good old fashioned power stance combining to full effect in this shot. You love to see it.

Credit: Park Avenue Media


Stefan absolutely stoked to be channeling his inner emo with his My Chemical Romance inspired aesthetic. Matias can be spotted in the background actually concentrating on being a productive member of the band. 

Credit: Pat Lester


Pat was obviously paying attention when they covered photosynthesis at school; here he is taking a moment in the downtime between takes to soak in some sunlight and recharge.

Credit: Act IV Photography


Matias looking surprisingly comfortable playing as much of his drum kit as we could squeeze into that confined space. He actually had to stay in there between takes as it was too much effort to shift everything out of his way and put it all back in every time!

Credit: Stefan Sepulveda


One of the most challenging parts of this video was playing in this confined space that Aidan had custom built for us – there were quite a few bumps to the head and cramping legs for us to overcome. 

Credit: Stefan Sepulveda 


Pat is pictured here providing moral support as well as responsible adult supervision and the occasional stern word for Matias. 

Credit: Stefan Sepulveda

Pressure is available now, everywhere. Check out the video below!

Written by Chris Lamaro