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SPOTLIGHT: Foeman’s Debut “Queen and Country”

Foeman Debut

Newcastle duo Foeman have found their spot on the crowded indie-tronica dance floor with the release of their debut single Queen and Country.

The track is a hodge-podge of genres. At times it’s channelling Passion Pit’s bouncy synthesiser work, at others echoing Arctic Monkeys’ bluesy guitar work and hypnotic, driving drums, and there’s even a nod to some Daft Punk vocoder in the bridge. There are so many styles and sounds in this three-and-a-half minute tune that your first impressions will be totally blown away by the end. But that won’t stop you toe-tapping the whole way through!

Foeman is made up of multi-instrumentalists Ruth MacDonald and Brendan Cann who have worked in different musical capacities over the last six years. In 2014 while travelling across Europe, the duo began being inspired by what they experienced, which led to them enjoying songwriting more and they even occasionally locked themselves in their hotel room to develop the ideas.

Speaking about their inspiration for their work, Foeman state,“You can’t visit Europe without seeing and feeling the incredible impact of the war…it poured from us furiously as we transferred our emotions into song structure”.

Cann’s songwriting is focused on layered and intricate rock sounds, with MacDonald bringing the dance element. The end result sees the two blend together seamlessly.

The band are gearing up for their debut album release saying, “being the first song from the album we recorded, it naturally directed the sound for the album to follow, and we are glad it did.”

Check out the new track below, and stay tuned for any tour announcements or new material.

Written by Max Higgins