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Squid The Kid Unveils The Visual For His Latest Single, ‘Cater’

Melbourne rapper, Squid The Kid will this week reveal the video for his latest offering, Cater and today we have the very first sneak peek of the fun new video to share with you.

Just like the single itself, the video for Cater is smooth and flowing with a lo-fi style. Featuring the talented artist throwing down in hybrid performance, and narrative delivery. This tune portrays a unique sense of art and the video is a perfect visual addition to the bopping tune. Lo-fi beats meet lo-fi video, a perfect mix.

“The origins of this song were from a misunderstanding that I had with my girlfriend at the time. My mind wasn’t clear, there was something bugging it. At that moment I realised what I wanted this song to signify. I really took reference from Destiny’s Child ‘Cater 2 U’, the main message of their song was how they just want to look after and care for their loved one.” Squid The Kid.

The video for Cater is available for general viewing tomorrow but you can view it exclusively today.

Written by Chris Lamaro