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Stoogefest: Brisbane’s Official Event Discussing QLD’s Lockout Laws

Stoogefest March

With so many facts and opinions swirling around at the moment regard lockout laws in Australia, some bright sparks in Brisbane have decided to throw an event to…well say no to lockout laws!

Stoogefest, put together by New Farm Records, Friendlyjordies, and Right to a Good Night, hopes to foster an evening of discussion about Queensland’s lockout laws combined with a night of ruckus. Punters will be able to listen to panel discussions, a comic DJ set from “Friendlyjor-DJ’s”, rock out to some quality live music, and experience some of Brisbane’s best audio-visual designs.

Panellists for the first Stoogefest will include hosts Ry Van Velewun and Ash Kissaine (Control Zine), DJ Sezzo Snot, Jordan Shanks, Owner of Brisbane bar Kerbside, and Jerry Di Re from Right for a Good Night.

Stoogefest will be the start of a monthly panel discussion hosted by New Farm Records at The Brightside, with the potential for the event to travel to Sydney and Melbourne, with the dream to finish up at the door of the political beast, Canberra.

Tickets are now live for the mini-festival, which will hopefully provide a well needed discussion about the impacts lockout laws have will have on Brisbane’s nightlife and music industry.

Stoogefest – “Stop The Lockout Bruh”

The Brightside, Brisbane

Live Music Lineup
Post Dream
Quintessential Doll
These Guy
Madalene Joy

Get Tickets HERE