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Stormrider Heavy Metal Festival Announces Thunderous Lineup

Stormrider festival final

Stormrider Festival will return for another year with a apocalyptic lineup celebrating all things metal. Now in its third year, the annual festival will again bring chaos to Perth, albeit this time at a larger venue, The Amplifier Bar.

Headlining the Festival will be progressive powerhouse Vanishing Point and metal masters Silent Knight, along with half a dozen other bands from around the country.

Stormrider will kick off this Friday at 8pm, and is bound to go into the early hours of the morning with eight of the nation’s most promising power, speed, thrash, and heavy metal bands. Western Australian headbangers you won’t want to miss this one!

Stormrider Heavy Metal Festival

The Amplifier Bar, Perth

Tickets Available At The Door

Stormrider lineup edited