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Sydney Opera House, More Like Sleepy Opera House!

Photo from The Daily Telegraph

Have you ever dreamed of watching your favourite artistic performance just metres away from a comfy bed with a stunning view? Probably not, but if you’ve ever had this bizarre fantasy you’re in luck ’cause Sydney Opera House might just be making your dream come true!

The SOH has released a proposal to allow overnight stays in the iconic venue. There are six areas in the Opera House that might just become special venues for slumber parties and most of them are foyers (which have amazing views, by the way).

The sleepovers would be open to five people at a time for two nights in a row, five times a year. While that definitely doesn’t sound like a lot, the SOH are hoping that number can be raised to 100 people.

The idea apparently started when artist Max Richter’s festival exhibit ‘Sleep’ accommodated 158 people earlier this year. While a contemporary ensemble played throughout the night, participants were able to sleep in a comfy bed during the eight-hour performance.

Don’t get too excited yet, though. The NSW Labor Party have warned that passing this proposal may be “a bridge too far” and are concerned that massive sleepovers will change the character of the building. What a yawn….

In the meantime, the proposal is open for comment until Monday 24th of October – have your say HERE!