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Take 5 With Georgia Flood

Flowing with an otherworldly allure and a rich tapestry of electronic melodies, Georgia Flood, the talented Australian singer-songwriter and actress, paints a mesmerizing soundscape in her latest release, “Blue Honey.” With a velvety smoothness, the track delicately explores the spectrum of anxiety, exuding a polished charm that glistens like crystal. To commemorate the release of her latest single, Georgia generously unveils her top five favorite artists and offers insight into what makes them so significant in her musical journey.

Pure Shores – All Saints

Produced by William Orbit. I adore Orbit’s sound universe. His music soundtracks a lot of my childhood experiences, really wonderful memories. I believe that’s why my heart is so linked to his music, and electronica from that Y2K time. I was lucky enough to grow up in Dubai. It was a life changing, awe inspiring experience that brought me closer to my family. I remember when The Beach came out in 2000, I wasn’t allowed to watch it. But Pure Shores by All Saints was on repeat on MTV. I love the vibe of the song – it gives me a sense of inspiration, escapism. I feel uplifted and carried away by this song, and still do, to this day. William Orbit’s collabs with artists like All Saints and Madonna continue to inspire me years after they’ve been released.

Crazy – Patsy Cline

The lyrics, written by Willie Nelson, are just so heartbreaking. Blended with the way Patsy sings it, so much pain, vulnerability and strength. I often listen to this song when getting into character in my acting work. It’s a song of its time, yet timeless. Transportative and cinematic. For me, the lyrics just feel so relevant to anyone who feels gaslit. Perhaps Willie Nelson wrote it with that in mind when going through a break-up. Perhaps when Patsy sings it, she’s thinking of a woman who’s been so traumatized by her partner that she feels…crazy. The song also suits my voice, I just love singing it. In fact I love belting it at the top of my lungs. It’s my shower song. Patsy Cline, she just makes me cry. I love her.

Vincent – Don Mclean

Because of his lyrical perfection. Don Mclean is writing about his artistic appreciation of Vincent Van Gough. Through this song, he is trying to vindicate Van Gough from the ‘insane’ identity with which Van Gough has been labeled with. Mclean uses beautifully descriptive poetry to describe Van Gogh’s painting, Starry Starry Night. To me, it feels like Don wants us to understand him, through his description of Van Gough. This song is a wonderful example of one incredibly talented artist, taking the hand of another. It just makes me cry; ‘…Now I understand / What you tried to say to me / How you suffered for your sanity / How you tried to set them free…’ And it’s not just me who feels this affected. I just read that in 2020,  the original handwritten lyrics went up for sale for $1.5 million!

Orbital – Halcyon and On and On

Ahhh, I feel relaxed just reading that song title. Orbital just hit the nail on the Y2K head with this track. It’s just so ethereal, simple, uplifting, aspirational…It’s a very, main theme to that movie where you star as the main character who’s just overcome their main obstacle and is ready to embrace life with aplomb. The individual sounds, the beat, the vocals, the pad – the actual length of the song; 9:27. It’s a meditation! The song is a journey. It’s my go to when traveling or starting something new. It never gets old. I love this song.

Joni Mitchel – Both Sides Now

How do I describe my love for this song? A fond memory I have with this song is when I was on a run in the hills of Santa Monica. I was feeling pretty blue, just exhausted by the hustle, rejection and lifestyle of LA. Nonetheless – I was running up and down, the Santa Monica stairs, listening to some ridiculous playlist titled something like ‘EMD for running’. Suddenly these huge Los Angeles fume filled clouds started to form over the mountains…and it instantly reminded me – Wait, what’s that Joni Mitchell song where she talks about clouds…? I stopped at the top of the stairs and searched for the song on Spotify and found the version from Both Sides Now album. I just sat on the step huffing and puffing looking at the clouds forming over me and just listened to the lyrics. I replayed the song maybe twice more, listening out for what Joni was trying to tell me. It was a magical moment. Her voice, her existential struggle, her messy strumming, her poetry. It was comforting to know that she, too, had no clue about life, at all.

Georgia Flood’s latest single, Blue Honey is available now, everywhere.

Written by John Zebra