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Take 5 With GUTHRIE

Melbourne folktronica artist, Guthrie has today unveiled their brand new EP, Incubator. It features the previous released singles, Best You Ever Had and Dickhead Song. To get to know Guthrie a little better we asked them to share with us 5 of their favourite artists and why.


Lupa J 

I’m honestly obsessed with Lupa J at the moment. I went to see them play live recently at Colour Club and asked them when they were going to release Young Drug – I almost died when they said it was going to be their next single. I think I’m probably responsible for 50% of the 5096 plays it currently has on Spotify. I’m literally listening to Lupa J right now … and I only just realised.

We’re gonna go for more locals because everyone knows how great folks like Phoebe Bridgers etc. are – I’m keen to introduce you to some people you’ll be kicking yourself if you don’t know about.

Rose Basset 

I went to Rose Basset’s  show a few weeks ago and Rose sang this line ‘my body is mine, and I’ve been using it to love you’. And I think I involuntarily said under my breath “oh fuck”. Rose’s voice is like an Australian Stevie Nicks – and the control and precision is just bananas. Go check out ‘Winning the Lottery’ right now but even better get to one of the live shows.

Queen P 

Queen P honestly goes so hard that I’m not sure I’d survive her live show but it would be a great way to go. I have so much regret that I didn’t see her live last time she was in Melbourne (supporting Holy Holy I think?) I know it’s a bit of a throw back but Queen With Colour was on repeat for so long for me that sometimes the opening riff and first line just lives in my head and gives me random bursts of energy like a red bull. Also having interviewed Queen P for UNPACKED hearing about her process and how she writes just makes her music all the more special for me.


I met Suzi when we were both supporting Didirri and my lord her songs are incredible. As soon as I heard ‘Everyone I’ve Met Hates Me’ live I was so eager for it come out. Now it has so I’m a goner. Suzi talks about themes like mental health with a sensitivity and precision which makes me feel simultaneously validated and vindicated. It’s a big fuck you to internalised shame feels and we love to see it.


To be fair if you enjoy listening to music (which … yknow most people) and you heaven’t heard of Kee’ahn yet …. Let’s just say I’m glad you’re reading this. If you’re ready to have your face melted by a glorious and powerful voice look no further than Kee’ahn. Their choice of chords and just guitar playing in general is so thoughtful and precise, very inspiring stuff for any singer songwriter who uses guitar to check out. Better Things is the exact song I need on a winter day to make me feel like it’s summer again so let’s just say it gets alot of attention.


Guthrie’s striking new EP, Incubator is available now, everywhere.




Tickets here

Written by Chris Lamaro