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Take 5 With Melbs bb

Melbs bb is the quirky creative brainchild of Melbourne singer-songwriter and producer Erica Lilly. Recently Melbs bb revealed their new single Witches – a haunting bedroom pop gem offering a unique perspective on mental health.

I had the idea that if a child witnessed someone experience depression and only had Disney movies and fairytales as a frame of reference, they would probably think the logical conclusion was that the person has obviously been hexed or cursed by some evil witches,” Melbs bb reveals. 

“At its core, ‘Witches’ is about seeing a loved one struggle with their mental health and asserting that you see their struggle and would do anything to help them (including battling some evil witches as needed).” – Melbs bb

To get to know Melbs bb a little better, we threw over the aux cord to find out her 5 best bedroom pop songs!

Goodie Bag – Still Woozy

If bedroom pop were a kingdom, Sven would definitely have the crown. His self-produced songs are always catchy but creative. Goodie bag opens with a soulful vocal hook then descends into chaos in the best way possible. This song is a blessing to humanity.


Pretty Girl – Clairo

I, like most other Clairo fans, discovered her after seeing the incredibly lofi video clip she released for this track. Just her sitting on her bed singing a long to her song which sounds like a midi karaoke backing track. It was cute and quirky and fit the song perfectly. Claire’s come a long way since then and is putting out much more polished stuff but her roots are definitely in bedroom pop.


We Fell In Love In October – Girlinred

I discovered this through tiktok and was blown away by the atmosphere. It honestly felt like an indie rock track from the 90s but it was new and made by Marie in her bedroom. It’s hard not to get lost in the washiness of this one. A dream.


Warned You – Good Morning

I listened to this on repeat for about 6 months back when Emma Chamberlain first recommended it. It was only when I took the time to google Good Morning i realised they were a) Australian and b) from Melbourne. For Pandemic based reasons I haven’t been able to see a GM live show but TRUST I will be main for it down to one. This song is god tier.


Can I Call You Tonight – Dayglow

I can’t actually remember how I found this one but can confirm it is everything that good bedroom pop should be: catchy and a bit rough around the edges. This one’s another time bender. Could’ve easily been made in the late 70s/early 80s.


Witches is available now, everywhere.

Written by John Zebra