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Take 5 With Noctica

Tamworth based Dark Pop artist Noctica recently released her debut single and music video Savior’. We were lucky enough to receive an exclusive look into the making of the accompanying video for the track and today Noctica shares with us her favourite music this time we don’t just get her five favourites but she has included an extra track for good measure.


My band Traces introduced me to Essenger once when I was on tour when we were sharing cool electronic artists with each other and I instantly became obsessed. The album after dark is so good for long car trips and his newest singles are really cool, sound design is insane and every song just has a really cool mood and tone.


Setmeonfire is one of my favorite bands. I’m lucky enough to know Oli and Cam personally. Almost everything they’ve put out I’ve just had on repeat like crazy. Honestly think they’re doing one of the most unique styles of music in Australia, especially now as a two piece but they’re severely underrated and under appreciated. They always manage to blow my mind with where they go on each release, never sticking to a singular sound.


Occasionally instagram ads give you some awesome artists. I checked out harpy after seeing an ad on Instagram and instantly loved her stuff, thought it was really cool, moody and dark and felt kinda familiar. Her producer is from one another band I really enjoy which explained the familiarity. Overall she just makes some cool catchy tunes and has a petty edgy aesthetic which I can get behind.


I was lucky enough to do some design work for this band in my day job. Very quickly became one of my favourite artists. Their songs are incredible, Lauren’s vocals are insane and they are extremely tight live. Easily will be one of the biggest heavier bands in Australia in a few years. I constantly listen to their tracks and feel extremely lucky to be able to watch them grow and take over the world.

The Anix
The Anix is insanely cool. Makes really awesome electronic/rock crossover stuff. Sounds like if you got the best bits of 30 seconds to mars and Deftones and cyberpunked it up. One of the biggest influences for me in recent years. Dude’s got a really cool approach to how he releases his music, custom makes his merch etc which as someone who DIY’s their own music I totally love and can get behind. The Anix puts so much into his art and it shows.

Days Like These 
I struggled to keep this list to 5 so I guess this is a bonus artist. Again one of the more unique acts in alt music in Australia. These guys are so much fun and their music has everything. They have huge choruses, have some cool edgy heavy moments and are also super playful musically and do some fun visuals that feel larger than life. Their producer Chris Lalic (Windwaker) is an absolute wizard at what he does and everything this band puts out is top tier.


Noctica’s debut single, Savior is available now, everywhere.