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Take 5 With Part Paladin

Sydney-based multi-instrumentalist/producer Part Paladin recently released his highly anticipated debut EP called ‘Atlantis’ which we had the joy of premiering back in March. Today we’re stoked to catch up with Part Paladin as he shares with us his 5 favourite tracks of the minute and why.

Northlane – Afterimage (feat. Ian Kenny, Karnivool):

Two of Australia’s great heavy bands meeting for a big ol’ rock song, what’s not to like!? Karnivool are one of my favourite bands generally, so it’s great to hear Kenny’s voice on something new, and something a little different stylistically for him. The song is huge as expected from Northlane, and I love there is a definite nod to Karnivool’s styling in the chord progressions and note choices. The old and new guards of Australian prog metal joining forces for a killer track!

Tropical Fuck Storm – You Let My Tyres Down:

An older track but one which has found its way into my rotation again recently. It’s jangly, messy and fierce. I love the grittiness, the attitude, and the huge crescendo of noise that swells towards the end. TFS are recording again at the moment so looking forward to a new album from Liddiard and Co.!

Silent Planet – Antimatter:

A band doing some great things at the moment. This track is from their recent album from last year, which as a whole is great. The whole album is dark, heavy and interesting. I love their use of synths for colour and layering, and there is a simplicity to this song which doesn’t try to be too tricky, especially in the drum work. The screamed chorus is huge!

Trophy Eyes – What Hurts The Most

A great track from these guys that I’ve been smashing lately. I like the unashamed pop-punk tropes, the emotion in the vocals in the second verse, and I love the chord progression of the chorus . It’s super emotive.

Jakub Zytecki – Wait:

A Polish guitarist I stumbled across recently. A phenomenal guitarist who is crafting some really interesting stuff and really pushing genre boundaries. This song “Wait” is a great example of his work. Beautiful chord progressions, lush soundscapes, some really delicate and intricate guitar work with some solid heavy moments.

Part Paladin’s EP, Atlantis is available now, everywhere.

Written by John Zebra