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Teenage Shenanigans Q & A: Graham Moes

Graham Moes

Graham Moes is one funky fella. With the help of his awesome band, the good looking gentleman delivers a myriad of delicious hooks and lush textures set within a soundscape of soul, funk-rock, and some roots throw in for good measure! We asked Moes to divulge some of the sillier things he got up to as a teenager…

(Photo by Dan Weston-Green)

Whats the dumbest thing youve ever done to impress your friends?

Chosen music as a career path, Haha! Nah, I’m kidding. Being perpetually broke and neurotic never impressed anyone.

Imagine youre playing Truth or Dare, who picks truth?

I pick truth, because if I say something embarrassing, I get to be the centre of attention without doing something that risks me breaking bones or having to eat something unpleasant.

Whats the worst piece of life advice you received in high school and did you take the advice?

“Have a backup plan if music doesn’t work out”. I hate that advice! Go all in! If your heart is in the right place, you will succeed. Cheesy but true!

If you had to get a tattoo on your face, what would it be?

A tattoo of my face on my forehead – the tattoo’s forehead is also tattooed with a face. So like, babooshka faces.

Which member of the band pulls the best practical jokes?

I’m not sure about practical jokes but Adam our Sax player is a master of guerilla snap-chatting people. It’s hilarious until it’s you.

Whats the worst thing youve ever been grounded for?

Either my parents never clued on or they pretended not to know the shenanigans we got up to during my teenage years. I can’t recall ever really being grounded.

For the uninitiated, how do you describe your music?

Six robot swans singing love songs about rhythm.

Lastly, why should people come check you out live?

I’m one of the most fortunate musicians in Brisbane because the five allies I have making music with me are some of the most creative talented and passionate players I’ve ever met. I love performing this music because it’s liberating…combine that with a steam-train rhythm section and majestic horn hooks and you’ve got an onstage soul party.

Vote for Graham and his band in Brisbane City Council’s 360 degree QUBE Effect Video competition HERE

Written by Jess Martyn