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The Lock Outlaws Launch Single To Protest Lockout Laws

Lock Outlaws

Sydney musician Joe Gould has launched a new project to protest NSW’s lockout laws, called (fittingly) The Lock Outlaws! The band, which consists of Gould and local singer-songwriter Leroy Lee, have just released their first single Just Go Home. The song is a grungy blues piece written in protest of the lockouts brought in by the NSW State Government in 2014.

Gould is no stranger to protest acts, creating the anti-Tony Abbott band Until Abbott Gets Gone last year. The artist says he feels the act must have been effective.

“We only got to release two singles before Tony got gone and we honoured our promise to break up,” Gould says.

Upholding this tradition, Gould says the band will break up once the lockouts are gone from New South Wales. He also says he hopes the act will gain support, but that if it doesn’t it won’t be all bad.

“Of course we’ll have our share of naysayers. But for us it’s a win-win: if you like the band hopefully you’ll support our cause, and if you don’t like us, help get rid of the lockouts and we promise we’ll cease to exist,” Gould says.

The new protest band also marks the launch of Gould’s ‘Get Gone Project’, a manifesto that offers suggested guidelines for other musicians who also might like to use the model for their own social justice musical venture.

Check out Just Go Home below, and say f*ck you to the lockout laws!