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The Money War Unveil Their Captivating EP, ‘I Don’t Hear You Anymore’

Renowned for their mesmerising ability to weave enchanting melodies and poignant lyrics, Western Australian dynamic duo, The Money War have today unveiled their emotionally charged EP, I Don’t Hear You Anymore.

Within the soul-stirring melodies of I Don’t Hear You Anymore, The Money War masterfully guides us through a tapestry of tender narratives that explore the intricacies of love, loss, transformation, and the unyielding quest for self-expression. This compelling song collection serves as an authentic and universally relatable reflection, granting The Money War the freedom to unveil their innermost musings and emotions amidst the profound journey of raising their three cherished children. Each track within this EP unfolds as a captivating and heartfelt encounter, where the duo’s evocative lyricism intertwines with their undeniable prowess, illuminating the profound artistic depths they possess.

Embracing an unwavering commitment to authenticity, Dylan Ollivierre and Carmen Pepper effortlessly intertwine the grace of elegant pop purity with the unyielding essence of indie rock and folk. Their music exudes a captivating allure, as each meticulously crafted melody and refined production expertly encapsulate the depth and complexity of their personal journeys, resonating with listeners on a profound level.

Speaking about the tracks on the EP, Dylan Ollivierre notes, “The songs are special to me because they remind me of moments in the last year where I felt desperate to express myself.” As a full-time producer who is consistently occupied with other people’s music, time dedicated to The Money War is limited. Ollivierre further explains, “Every now and then, I have this insatiable desire to create something that embodies my own vision and expresses Carmen and me as The Money War. In the past, we often had numerous songs to choose from, but nowadays, with three young kids, our time has significantly decreased. Therefore, a song only progresses beyond the ‘idea’ stage if it strongly demands to be realized.”

Already racking an impressive career presence with over 3 million streams on Spotify alone, The Money War continues to turn heads with their captivating songwriting and unique sonic delivery. Their brand new EP, I Don’t Hear You Anymore is available now, everywhere.

Written by John Zebra