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Three Energising Rock Tracks To Get You To The Weekend

TIRED LION with Not My Friends 

Tired Lion 2016

Perth 4-piece Tired Lion are out for blood with their new single Not Your Friends, released just in time for their upcoming national tour.

The lion is out of the cage as the single pulls you in with buoyant guitar licks, thick bass lines, and Sophie Hopes’ unmatched vocals honing to their distinctive gritty and grungy sound.

The emotionally raw single represents a defining change in vocalist Sophie Hopes’ life, explaining the song was inspired during a period of her life taken over by toxicity, the need to ‘fit in’, and feeling completely lost.

“I have never been inclined to go to extreme lengths to ‘fit in’ but at this time in my life I was so desperate to latch on to anything that made me feel worth existing. I eventually cut my losses, dropped the toxic people who appeared to be pleasant to my face and move into a direction I chose for myself.

“I’m a lot happier being the outsider these days and I guess this was the song that justified the change,” said Hopes.

Not Your Friend is out now and their upcoming national tour kicks off in late May. Click HERE to read our interview with Tired Lion’s drummer Ethan Darnell!

Tired Lion Australian Tour

Northcote Social Club, Melbourne
The Brightside, Brisbane,
Newtown Social Club, Sydney
Fat Controller, Adelaide
Capitol, Perth

Get Tickets HERE


The Sinking Teeth 2016

The Sinking Teeth offer some sage advice in their latest single Pavement, the first official single from their upcoming debut album ‘Songs from the Bottom of the Lake’.

Pavement plays out to the cultural diversity of Melbourne CBD with rough guitar strums, and raspy, shouty punk lyrics, “We love it just the same/Its in our blood, its in our veins” bringing it all together in a lively rock beat.

Written for an ever disconnected society, the trio simply want people to get a grip of themselves and be grateful of your own roots. “We’re all the same, it’s in our blood, it’s in our veins,” said front-men Julian Doan and Nick Manuell.

Pavement is out now with their album ‘Songs from the Bottom of the Lake’ set to drop in August.

The Sinking Teeth ‘Pavement’ Single Launch Dates

Brighton Up Bar, Sydney
The Workers Club, Melbourne

Get Tickets HERE

THE CREASES with Impact

The Creases 2016

The Creases continue to refine their signature sound with their latest single Impact primed and ready to be sung out during their tour in July. The beloved Brissie band have worked hard to reach new levels with their music as their latest 90s inspired single see’s the band play brass along with sharp guitar riffs, dynamic drum beats and exciting fuelled lyrics.

The single is easily relatable as lead vocalist Joe Aguis says the song talks about the struggles in keeping a balanced lifestyle between people, work, and sleep when everything you do requires you to be creatively unbalanced.

“I wrote the foundation of Impact while staying down on my dad’s farm last year after a lot of heavy listening to early 90s UK inspired acts such as Happy Mondays and Blur. It was recorded down in Melbourne with Malcolm Besley of Northeast Party House and features Liam McGorry of Saskwatch and Dorsal Finns on brass.

“The song talks about the struggles to keep a balanced lifestyle and relationships with people, work and sleep when everything you do creatively requires you to be unbalanced. It’s been a highlight for us to play life for a while now so we’re super excited to finally have it out in the world,” said lead vocals Joe Aguis.

Impact out now with their upcoming east coast tour set for this July.

The Creases East Coast Tour

Woolly Mammoth, Brisbane
Northcote Social Club, Melbourne
Newton Social Club, Sydney

Get Tickets HERE