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Youth Lagoon’s Trevor Powers Releases Avant-Garde Tropes ‘Ache’ & ‘Plaster Saint’

Dissolving his accomplished Youth Lagoon project in 2016 after three stunning albums, Trevor Powers has swung back into the limelight, bringing his affluent and intrinsic art-pop with a more confident approach on songwriting.

Powers has detailed his debut album under his real name, ‘Mulberry Violence’, and released Ache and Plaster Saint from the album—following last month’s Playwright. In all of his former work, Powers tip toed the line of euphoric bliss and wild production idiosyncrasy. It was the merging of these two juxtaposing elements which saw Youth Lagoon become a cult-adored group. On these new songs, Powers doesn’t shake up his tried and true formula too much. Rather, his shrill and punctate voice shines a brighter light through the avant-garde cobweb.

The album was built over six weeks in Texas from Powers’ own growing collection of poetry alongside Beyoncé collaborator, Stuart White. Powers has always been outspoken in his lyrical content but, ironically, on his Youth Lagoon moniker, never rose to the correct audibility. Of this new album, Power details it as a persevering self-observation.

“‘Mulberry Violence’ is where stillness meets pandemonium. Dead air meets babel. Harmony meets war. Sisters from the same womb, separated at birth. It served as a personal document of the everlasting battle inside of us. No one has it figured out; least of all me,” explains Powers.

‘Mulberry Violence’ is out August 17 via Powers’ own label, Baby Halo. Stream Ache and Plaster Saint below.

Written by Jake Wilton