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Tripsitta Unveils Spellbinding ‘Velvet Zen’: A Captivating Journey of Musical Transcendence

Tripsitta, the indie psych-rock sensation, have unveiled their newest musical masterpiece, Velvet Zen. Embracing the ethos of Australian counterculture, the band delve into universally resonant themes while effortlessly fusing the timeless essence of psychedelic rock with modern indie craftsmanship. Their music is a harmonious blend of the old and the new, epitomising the progressive spirit that characterises their generation.

With Velvet Zen, the band has artfully composed a gradual crescendo, leading to a breathtaking climax that boasts a soul-stirring guitar solo and monumental drum work. Jack Williams’ vocals are a tour de force, skillfully guiding listeners through an emotive musical odyssey that resonates profoundly with the heart and spirit.

“Velvet Zen” has been in the live set for a while and has been asked whenever people can listen to it. Whilst recording at Analog Heart Studios, we wanted to capture those beautiful moments in the song with moving guitar leads and vocal fifth harmonies to guide the listener to each new section.” – Jack Williams, Tripsitta.

The music video accompanying Velvet Zen is a visual masterpiece that weaves a narrative of a couple’s quest for serenity and harmony within their unique realm, ultimately merging with the cosmic currents of the universe.

With their innovative sound and creative vision, Tripsitta leave an indelible mark on the world of indie psych rock. Velvet Zen is a musical and visual triumph, inviting audiences to transcend into a realm of inner peace and cosmic unity through its mesmerising sounds and evocative imagery.


October 20 – Burleigh Bazaar, Gold Coast | Free entry
November 3 – Ocean View, Wamberal
November 4 – Burdekin Hotel, Sydney | Ticketed
November 5 – Hamilton Station, Newcastle | Free Entry
November 10 – Espy Basement, Melbourne | Ticketed
November 11 – The Front, Canberra | Ticketed
November 12 – The Gaso, Melbourne | Ticketed
November 18 – Tomcat, Brisbane | Ticketed
December 2 – Crusher Fest – Brightside, Brisbane Tickets

Written by John Zebra