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Two Times Shy Return With New Anthem, ‘Gone’

Two Times Shy, the electrifying pop-punk sensation hailing from Meanjin/Brisbane, are making a triumphant return with their latest single, Gone. Their infectious melodies and raw energy have captured the hearts of fans since the release of their debut EP, It Looks Better Than It Sounds, which amassed some very impressive online streams across various platforms. Now, as they resurface on the music scene, Two Times Shy remain committed to delivering their signature sound, igniting the airwaves with a passion that refuses to be contained.

Exuding a fiery and dynamic spirit, Gone emerges as a pulsating anthem that exemplifies the band’s polished production and undeniable mainstream allure. The track propels forward with unrestrained intensity, spanning a heated 3 minutes that keep the listeners hooked from start to finish. With every beat, Two Times Shy skilfully weave a tapestry of emotions, effortlessly breaking hearts and then tenderly stitching them back together through their electrifying and exhilarating style. This is a musical journey that leaves no room for dull moments, a testament to the band’s unyielding commitment to delivering an adrenaline-fueled experience that resonates with the hearts of all who hear it.

The track immerses you in a whirlwind of emotions as it unravels the heartache of losing that special someone, leaving an indelible void that profoundly alters your world.

“”Gone’ tells a story of what it’s like to fall apart when the person you love and want to be with is not with you, how you feel when they are gone.” Douglas Hudswell, Two Times Shy.

In a paradoxical blend of heartache and euphoria, ‘Gone’ embraces you with its infectious riffs and high-spirited energy, making it a feel-good pop-punk anthem that lingers in your soul long after it’s gone. The smashing new single is available now, everywhere.

Written by John Zebra