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UK Trio Dancehall Punk It Up With Debut “V’s And G’s”


British punk ain’t dead! London outfit Dancehall have dropped their debut single V’s and G’s and by the sound of it, the trio are harking back to some old school sounds!

V’s and G’s, or “vocals and guitars” as the song was originally called, is pretty much all in the title. This song kicks straight into the high gear, with relentless bass and muted guitar strumming built on a rock solid beat that asserts itself early.

The lead vocals throws back to some old school vibes with the slight echo in verses, and then a nicely polished falsetto kicks in through the choruses, almost sounding like Wolfmother’s Andrew Stockdale. Match these vocals with parallel guitars and you’re looking at a powerhouse of a track!

The track was reportedly the fruition of sessions of bedroom songwriting fuellled with Polish beer from a corner store, and you can definitely sense that rawness in the final product. Dancehall impose a few rules on themselves in their songwriting, such as their “three take” rule, we can only assume means you get it right the first few times or you never get it at all.

Vocalist Timothy V says that the song is about “the relationship (love/hate) that we have with ourselves, our patriarchs and the our shit lives.”

Unfortunately, we don’t know of any plans for dancehall to come Down Under at the moment, so you might have to resign to checking out their material on the line. Check out V’s And G’s below!

Written by Max Higgins