Vilde’s Sprawling Art-Rock Peaks On ‘Flash In The Pan’
There’s a lot to take in on Vilde’s latest effort tiled, Flash In The Pan. While the art-rock artist has a lot to convey, he so easily breaks it down for us in bite size moments.
The former Kins frontman, and Oh Mercy member, has taken his promising, highly stylised rock solo to incredibly promising results. Twisting, cutting and throwing everything he possibly has into the mi, Vilde doesn’t skip a beat. Flash In The Pan is unpredictable in the best sense. The way he advances forward, bringing with his a scrambling labyrinth of pop mastery.
Vilde’s innovation has not gone unheard. His layered synths, guitars and use of his drum machine is intelligent and hypnotic. The way he distills all this into a malleable and concerted effort is impressive in its own right. Following the perfection of TT early this year, solo art-rock has had a fantastic run recently.
Flash In The Pan comes from the artist’s forthcoming debut album titled, ‘Thud’. On the record, Vilde explained how he was potentially missing something in the music he was, at the time, making with Kins.
“Thud was a new experience for me. I realised that I felt like the last time I really knuckled down and dug into something was making the Kins album in 2012. I’d lost touch with the concept of work ethic in music. Everything since had been whimsical, I believed inspiration was reliable. My productivity waned. I felt an urge to prove to myself that I could actually commit to something and follow it through,” explained Vilde.
‘Thud’ is expected to drop August. Stream Flash In The Pan below.