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All Four Members of Indie Band & Manager Die In Car Crash


In a tragic turn over the weekend, British band Viola Beach and their manager have passed away after their car crashed off a bridge in Sweden.

Viola Beach were Kirs Leonard (guitar & vocals), River Reeves (guitar), Tomas Lowe (bass), Jack Dakin (drums) and were managed by Craig Tarry. Their music will live on.

The band had just played at a Swedish music festival on Friday and were scheduled to open for headline artists Blossoms in Guildford later that night.

“Viola Beach were on such an exciting journey and River could not have been happier. He would have loved to have stuck around for the party,” said a statement from the guitarist’s family.

All proceeds made from their latest single Swings and Waterslides will be donated from Communion Records to the  Craig and the band’s families.

Purchase their latest single HERE.