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Rock-tastic Wallapalooza Returns to Melbourne


Melbournians prepare yourself for some serious moshing because Wallapalooza is coming for you at Richmond’s Corner Hotel this April. As one of Australia’s longest running independent music festivals, Wallapalooza promises a good time filled with head bangers as well as some classic rock.

The Festival boasts an eclectic line-up including local rock outfit Electric Mary, Dallas Fransca, and Dirt River Radio. Inspired by the opposition to the lame, unnecessary (insert additional inflammatory language) northern lock-out laws, the Festival is the perfect chance for you to stick it to the man while sticking it out with some friends.

Wallapalooza is set to get the balling rolling on a series of live music events to run across the country during 2016.

The Festival hopes to inspire cooperation in the local music scene and break down general genre barriers. So even if you’re not a huge “rock, stoner, and metal” fan, for $25 a pop Wallapalooza might be worth checking out.

Quick tip, early bird tickets are available now so if you are keen to rock out nab a ticket before the price goes up on Sunday 13th March.

Melbourne’s Wallapalooza will kick off the festival’s tour, with events across the country under the Wallapalooza banner expected to be announced in the coming weeks.

Wallapalooza Festival Tour

Corner Hotel, Melbourne

Live Music Lineup

Electric Mary
Dallas Frasca
Dirt River Radio
Smoking Martha
The Mercy Kills

Get Tickets HERE