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Watch Middle Kids Walk Around Suburbia To Great Debut Single

Middle Kids

Sydney trio Middle Kids have released their debut single and a chill af music video to match! The single, Edge of Town, is the first for the indie-rock band, and has seen them command the attention of the likes Rolling Stone and triple j.

The music video offers the viewer a glimpse into suburban Sydney life as the band are filmed performing in different rooms of a house and wistfully wandering the streets. The band say the video “is predominantly a series of domestic images with a surreal undertone: the watering of dead plants, the closed door, the ticking of a metronome, a lonely man playing slide guitar, a woman walking at twilight.”

The song itself is melodically beautiful with Hannah Joy’s vocals weaving through the arrangement, creating a sonically enchanting soundscape. While remaining pleasing to the ear, Edge of Town is somehow also able to keep the listener guessing, namely the tempo increase two-thirds of the way into the song. The increase in speed gives urgency to the otherwise chill song, and adds more layers to an already great tune.

Not ones to sit on their hands, Middle Kids have also just announced they’ll be opening for City Calm Down on their national tour later this year. With all this under their relatively new belts, these newcomers are definitely ones you should be keeping an eye on…and getting into before your friends do, for max indie cred points!

Middle Kids Live Dates

Oxford Circus, Sydney
Max Watts, Brisbane*
Metro Theatre, Sydney*
170 Russell, Melbourne*

*with City Calm Down

Get Tickets HERE*