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WIN: Knock Out Some Sailors with The Lulu Raes

Lulu Raes

Is it your life-long dream to kick back, sip responsibly on an alcoholic beverage, and talk sh*t with a band prior to their killer live show? Firstly, was that the full extent of your life-long dream? You never wanted to be an astronaut or anything? Secondly, you have your chance to do just that with AAA’s good friends, The Lulu Raes!

The Lulu Raes have been dominating it lately, dropping party banger after party banger, with tracks like Never Leave, Infinite Paradise (Sail Away), and Burnout. Now, off the back of their debut EP ‘All Our Parents Are Divorced’, the fellas are hitting the road to bring their unique booty shaking choons to a dancefloor near you!

Now these guys are pretty rad, and they’ve opened up the chance for you and a mate to come and drink a beverage with them before they hit the stage, and just generally talk some nonsense with one of the best emerging bands in the biz! And not just any old basic house spirit either because our mates over at Sailor Jerry Rum will be putting on a bottle of their best vintage for you to sip up!

We know what you’ll be thinking “I’m no charming and hilarious font of musical knowledge like the lovely crew at AAA, how am I meant to talk with confidence with a huge outfit like The Lulu Raes?”.

Fret not, little worried one, because we have helped you with a cheat sheet of a few questions that you might like to use to get the conversation flowing! Consider weaving some, or all, of these into your chat to look like a real music professional.*

  1. Hi! How are you?
  2. Wait a minute! There’s only four of you in that picture, who’s that other cool bloke?
  3. I heard that your EP title is a lie! What’s the real story?
  4. If you had to go back in time to any period and be trapped there forever, when would you go to?
  5. Which is your favourite James Bond movie to mimic in an insulting way?
  6. Who’d win in a cage match fight between President Obama and The Queen?
  7. How bloody good is this Sailor Jerry?
  8. In 25 words or less, do you prefer corrugated iron roofing or roof tiles?

*AAA Backstage doesn’t recommend asking any of these questions, except for #1

These questions are more than guaranteed to get the chat rolling into in-depth conversations about time on the road and the musical process of the band, but feel free to throw your own chat!

So, if you’re in Brisbane (and only Brisbane, sorry everyone else!) on Friday 30 September share AAA’s Facebook post about this competition, tagging the mate that you’d like to take along to join you hanging out with the band and watching them play live! We’ll be picking one lucky winner (and their buddy), so make sure your posts are cool and creative. Remember, drink responsibly, but enjoy the show heartily!

The Lulu Raes ‘All Our Parent’s Are Divorced’ EP Tour

Black Bear Lodge, Brisbane
Sol Bar, Sunshine Coast

Written by Max Higgins