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World’s First Streaming Festival “Love Busk” Announces First Acts


Welcome to the future! Introducing Love Busk: The world’s first International music festival, accessible anywhere around the world with the use of your preferred device (computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone etc).

Love Busk is a new music festival to create change in human and environmental well-being in celebration of the United Nations’ 2016 World Happiness Day (Sunday 20th March). Love Busk will be raising money for charities with a variety of causes including Ecgla, Green Music Australia, and Youth Off The Streets.

How does it work? By tipping your favourite artists and speakers you can contribute towards the many charities while kicking back, relaxing, and indulging in the music from wherever you are. Simply jump on the Love Busk streaming channel HERE and buy your tickets at your chosen price.

Love Busk First Line Up Announcement

Asanda Mqiki & Ecgla

Ash Grunwald & Green Music Australia

Ben Lee & Inkarri

Samrai & Youth Off The Streets

Cyrus & Kidzwish

Excelsior & Preston Campbell Foundation

Emmanuel Jal & Gua Africa

James “The Iron Cowboy” Lawrence & Rods Racing

Kevin Johansen

Marianne Doczi & Action Station

Murat Kilic & Spice DJs

Pierce Brothers & Beyond Blue

Sheba & Orphund

Steve Argent & Orphund