Calvin Harris Makes Fatal Mistake, Asks Public For New Twitter Profile Pic
Scottish national mascot and co-king (along with Andy Murray) Calvin Harris is on a search. Screw the Holy Grail, the missing link, or Hillary’s emails, Harris is searching for something more real and more important: a new profile picture on Twitter.
Unfortunately for the producer, he tw@@ted about it, getting the public to help him in his search. If we’ve learnt anything from 2016, it’s that you can never trust the public to vote on anything #Brexit #Trump.
There were some brilliant responses, with highlights like Dillon Francis’ suggestion that Harris showcase a hefty plastic phallus, a number of fan art submissions, and an unsurprising number of pics with heartbreaker Taylor Swift.
We’ve also added some of our personal take on it, so if Calvy picks up on our article, you’re welcome, mate.
Side note: we’re not the world’s biggest conspiracy theorists here, but are we’re 100 per cent sure Calvin Harris wasn’t killed by the CIA and replaced by a more malleable clone?
Check out Harris’ last good contribution (This Is What You Came Here For notwithstanding) below!