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Interview: CLAMM Chat About Their New EP, ‘Disembodiment’

Melbourne/Naarm based punk trio, CLAMM recently released their iconic new EP, Disembodiment. The EP features previously released single, Change Enough as well as three fresh new jams and is making waves with tastemakers all over. We caught up with the band to have a chat about the new EP, recording process’ and heaps more!

Your new EP, “Disembodiment,” tackles some heavy themes with your signature punk energy. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind the title track and what message you hope listeners take away from it?

I think that with the way things are today, whether from a result of the time demands that are expected from us to survive, or the nature of our work and what is expected from us it seems to me like we are constantly being asked to step outside of the wants and needs of our bodies in order to work. I hope that people feel a sense of togetherness rather than isolation in that things are really difficult right now and I believe there is too much that is expected of us for very little results. I cannot help but ask what is the actual point of all of it.

Recording at an old flower farm in The Netherlands sounds unique and intriguing! How did the location’s vibe influence the sound and feel of the EP?

It was definitely unique and intriguing. It was in the middle of the tour and we were really tired, and only had a few days to do four songs from scratch. The place is on an old tulip farm, it’s quiet, green and is essentially a large cabin made out of wood. So it was deeply contrasting from our experience of touring but also from the music we are making. But I think that was really important and necessary for us, to be able to have the space and quiet away from the noise. 

“Change Enough” talks about the importance of personal transformation. What are some changes you’ve experienced as a band since your last album, and how have they influenced your music?

We’ve gone through lots of changes since Care, which was music that was written before lockdown. We’ve had changes in members, changes in our team in the background and have all gone through our own personal changes through this time. I think there’s been so much change that it’s hard to even tell how it’s going to influence the music. I think Miles and I in particular have always stuck together as friends and are sticking together with CLAMM. We get energy from it, if anything I think all of the change we have experienced with playing with CLAMM has just made us want to go more into it. And lately with the new stuff we’ve been spending a lot more time with it. Much more time considering the music and it’s implications. 

You’ve had an amazing journey with sold-out shows and international tours. What are you most excited about for your upcoming European tour, and do you have any surprises in store for your fans?

We are all just really happy to be over here. It’s such an amazing experience for us to be able to share our music, connect with people and experience different cultures whilst doing it. We are on a plane headed for Tromso right now and tomorrow we play a legendary festival called Bukta. So we are really excited for that. The sun doesn’t set here at this time of year. We have no surprises apart from the fact that we are playing heaps of new songs. Oh and Stella’s new clogs she bought. Maybe a lucky crowd might get to see Stella’s new clogs.

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Your songs explore the pressures and expectations placed on young people today. How do you balance making music that addresses serious issues while keeping it fun and engaging for your audience?

Well I’m not sure we do very much to keep it fun and engaging. I mean I think there’s engagement in there is a sharing that is happening between us and the crowd. I think we really give a lot and some crowds give a lot back and I think that’s engaging. I think if anything we keep it fun just by trying to be nice and trying to make sure that there’s a good vibe going on and that everyones feeling safe in the crowd and then people can open up and have a jump around or whatever and feel like they can have fun. 

Of all the cities you’ve travelled in the world which stands out above the rest as the bands favourite?

Ah there’s been so many. One that Miles and I still talk about is a show from our first tour in Athens. Athens was just so alien to us, so beautiful and we just connected with so many people there. It was beautiful. One we won’t forget. 

With 2024 already shaping up to be a big year for CLAMM, what can fans expect next from you after “Disembodiment” and your European tour? Any new projects or collaborations on the horizon? 

They can expect a new album coming!

CLAMM’s brand new EP, ‘Disembodiment’ is available now, everywhere via Meat Machine Records.

Written by Chris Lamaro