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PREMIERE: ‘Silly Girl’ Is VOIID’s Middle Finger To Those Who Think They Know Better


Haven’t cottoned onto the unbridled brilliance of VOIID yet? Now is seriously the best chance to as this ragtag four-piece, hailing from Brisbane, make some of the scuzziest punk music at the moment. Silly Girl, the group’s latest rip-snorter, is being premiered exclusively on AAA Backstage before its release this Friday.

Describing these girls as a powerhouse is, honestly, selling them short. They’re more than that—they’re a force to be reckoned with; they represent a middle finger to the current music climate and they certainly know it. Silly Girl, as described by the group, is an amalgamation of all the moronic things they’ve had to deal with as a band. Whether it’s a take on being four punk girls in the music industry—following in the steps of Camp Cope—or a personal introspective, VOIID still know how to perfectly channel their face melting screaming and punk ambitions.

Simple in delivery, VOIID’s musicality and knowledge of the punk wave is near perfect. All the moving pieces come together so effortlessly—the plodding bass allows Anji’s vocal message a higher pedestal to stand on. Not to mention the incredible drumming of Jasmine—her style is akin to Janet Weiss of Sleater-Kinney; methodical and provides a solid base for the rest of the band to shine. Giving VOIID labels and comparatives is taking the easy route, however. The group love to break the rules, steer left when everyone is going right and take what’s been solidified in the ’90s punk rage and give it their own fuzzy spin.

First making their mark on the live scene for the past year-and-a-half, VOIID cut their teeth at their local and made a lasting impression on audiences everywhere. Since then, they’ve joined some unreal bills such as King Gizzard’s own Gizzfest, Shakafest and Valley Fiesta. They’ve even played support to some big names such as The Coathangers, DZ Deathrays, Skegss, The Gooch Palms, Camp Cope and so many more. Needless to say, VOIID are a dominating force on the stage and ready to take over a few more as 2018 progresses.

Having already played a handful shows to kickstart the year, VOIID will continue their summer tour throughout February. They hit Lennox Head, Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane and Gold Coast in just a few weeks. See the full run of dates below as well as the exclusive steam of Silly Girl.

VOIID Live Dates

Lennox Hotel, Lennox Head
Crown & Anchor, Adelaide
Cherry Bar, Melbourne
The Foundry, Brisbane
Shark Bar, Gold Coast


Written by Jake Wilton