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Take 5 With Matilda Rose

Canberra based Indie Pop artist Matilda Rose has just released her new single This Is Personal, which we premiered last week! Today we’re super stoked to have Matilda share with us her five favourite tunes of the minute!


Daffodils by May-a

I fell in love with her EP the first time I heard it. This song in particular hit home with experiences I was going through at that time in my life. It’s about pushing a loved one away because they need you a bit too much – they’re using you as a crutch when you’re barely standing on your own. It causes such an unhealthy guilt riddled relationship that causes pain to everyone, and only you can really heal yourself.


Heavy by Peach PRC

I’ve always been a sucker for a sad song.

I love how open about Peach PRC about mental health and this song is a beautiful  representation of the struggle of someone who is mentally ill trying to find someone who can deal with that.

Redundant by Tori Forsyth

I love tori’s music and style of songwriting, the lyrics always give you no choice but to think about the meaning and i am enthralled by every release. This song tells the story of someone with such an intense need to be loved and feeling so alienated, much like women in the 1800s being accused of being witches. This song is so relevant to everyone but I feel like it’s especially important in the music industry, where everything depends on how liked/admired you are.


All too well (10 minute version) (Taylor’s version) by Taylor Swift

I’ve always adored Taylor and this re-release of her album “Red” has made me fall back in love with this song, especially the full 10 minute version. It captures the love, nostalgia, sadness and anger of a passionate relationship that makes you want to fall in and out of love a million times just to feel it.


I’m Trying (not friends) by Maisie Peters

Maisie’s whole debut album is such an incredible listen – I’m in love with it.

I am OBSESSED with the bridge of this song. Really scratches an itch in my brain listening to it and it’s a fantastic song about being in that almost-moving-on-yet-still-petty-as-hell vibes.

Written by John Zebra