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Punters Tear Mike Baird A New One After Facebook Post

VIVID Opera House

Nurturing father of Sydney’s music scene and your favourite Premier Mike Baird has been absolutely cut to pieces on his own Facebook post. His single line post concerning the beginning of the city’s VIVID Festival has had more than a few responses from irate Sydneysiders expressing their distaste.

Baird’s post, simply stating “We’ve turned the lights on” and featuring a picture of a lit-up Opera House, seemingly references a lengthy essay from Sydney businessman Matt Barrie entitled “Would the Last Person in Sydney Please Turn the Lights out?”

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However, there were a number of responses that would suggest the Premier’s sentiment isn’t one held by his constituents. Comments ranged from the short and punchy, such as  “Maybe we could catch the lights and go for a quiet drink afterwards…Oh”, to whole paragraphs attacking the premier about the shutdown of the city’s nightlight hotspots and music venues.

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It would look like Baird isn’t having a spectacular time in office, as just yesterday, thousands turned out to the March Against Mike protesting his many controversial policies, from the nanny-state lock out to TAFE funding cuts and the removal of trees in Sydney’s eastern suburbs.

Lockout laws in Sydney have torn apart a lot of the city’s nightlife, with many bars, clubs, and most importantly, music venues closing over the past months. Queensland is facing the roll out of its own new lockout laws, which begin to come into effect on July 1st, meaning that punters in places like Fortitude Valley will be facing last drinks at 3am. From February 1 2017, Brisbane punters will be facing a 1:00am lockout.

Read how Brisbane’s music industry feels about the impending lockout laws HERE and venue owners HERE

It’s not all doom and gloom though, especially if you’re in Sydney, as this year’s VIVID festival gives you the opportunity to get to a massive range of music events, from the Visions and Soundscape Festivals to the Feedback conference aiming to get young people into the industry.

For a LOL check out Friendlyjordie’s video about the NSW Lockout Laws below!

Written by Max Higgins