The Dardi Shades Are Here To Wear Out Your Floorboards With “Bullets”
So far 2017 has been top notch, with banger after banger, but we lost a great guitar god, in the form of Chuck Berry. So just when you thought despairingly that there was a little less dancey guitar choonage in the world, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to know that we have found the best replacement out: The Dardi Shades. The Sydney five piece is only fresh on the scene, but already they’re dropping the kinds of music that get some tail feathers oscillating, like their latest, Bullets.
If you could split the difference between The Strokes’ garage sound and some mid-2000’s British Indie rock, you would arrive at a space that The Dardi Shades are making their own. Bullets will hit you with some bright, jumpy guitar work right from the get-go, and it hardly lets up all the way through this four minute dance-inducing song. The energetic rhythm guitar is equally matched with a raucous lead line that shreds the chorus, and if this doesn’t have you on your feet (or tapping your toes at your desk), then we don’t know what will.
The vocal lines from front man Stu Patterson provide their own sense of rhythm with their effortless smoothness, and they blend perfectly with a tight combination of bass and drums to round out the track.
The Dardi Shades formed mid last year, and after only a few shows supported The Rubens as they toured North Queensland. You can see (and hear) why – the vintage-inspired sounds would be the connoisseur-matched wine to The Rubens’ rock ’n’ roll cheese.
If you’re a fan of shaking it to some tight guitar lines, then you’ll want to keep your ear to the ground for any upcoming shows from The Dardi Shades. Bullets is the first taste of an upcoming six-track EP from the band, and we are certainly excited for what’s to come!
Check out the track below!